3 Myths About Special Education BUSTED

If your child has special needs, you might be thinking about sending them to a special education school. You’ve probably heard that these schools are places where children with special needs are able to be themselves and can learn at their own pace.

However, you might have also heard some negative things about special education centers that cause you to stop and think about your decision. However, many of the things that you might hear aren’t necessarily true. Here are a few myths about special education.

Special Education Is For Specific People

You might have heard that special education is only for students who struggle with severe intellectual and physical disabilities. However, that isn’t the case. Most students in special education programs aren’t struggling with severe intellectual and physical disabilities. Students with a variety of different learning disabilities — whether that’s dyslexia or trouble retaining information — are placed in these programs. So, if your child doesn’t struggle with a severe disability, they are still able to receive help from these places.

Getting Into the Programs Is Extremely Difficult

There’s a chance you might have heard from other parents of children with special needs that they struggled trying to get their child into the different programs. This is a pretty common thing to hear. However, it’s important to remember that each child’s situation is different. What might be going on with your child might not be the case for someone else’s child.

Your child Has to Take A Different Bus

You have heard that there is a specific bus for children to ride on if they are going to a special education school. This might seem intimidating for your child, as they’re worried they might be judged for riding on a separate bus. Kids are afraid of being bullied, and they might fear that happening while taking a different bus. In fact, 45% of parents of kids with learning disabilities say their child has been bullied. However, with more awareness of the issue and the recent rise of anti-bullying campaigns around the country, this statistic is likely to decline. Talk to your child about how they feel and go from there.

Special education is great for your child. It’s a place where students can learn at their own pace and feel comfortable with themselves. However, it’s important to note that everything you hear about special education isn’t necessarily true. Do some research before sending your child to school and figure out if special needs education is best for you and your family.

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