After School Programs for Kids with Learning Disabilities

After School Ideas and Activities for Kids with Learning Disabilities

Often, parents of children with special needs place less emphasis on after-school activities for their children. This is usually because they are focused on their children’s educational and therapy needs. While these are fundamental to their children’s success, after school programs should not be overlooked.

Let’s look at three benefits of after-school programs for kids with learning disabilities.

The Benefits of After School Activities

Promotes High Self-Esteem

After-school programs build confidence for children with disabilities. Whether they learn how to play a new song on an instrument, score a goal, or win a science competition, these children will develop higher self-esteem and gain a sense of pride in their abilities.

Builds Social Skills

Special needs children sometimes struggle with communication skills, making it difficult for them to make friends only at school. Enrolling your special needs child in an after-school activity will provide them with another place to make friends, build social skills, and interact with children that have similar interests as them.

Teaches Life Skills

The lessons and skills that kids with learning disabilities gain from after-school activities can be just as important as those taught in school. At school, they learn essential skills like proper classroom behavior and how to self-regulate. While these are fundamental for them, after-school programs can teach them valuable life skills, including:

  • How to be a part of a team
  • How to support their peers
  • How to play with other children in a non-educational environment

3 After-School Program Ideas for Kids with Learning Disabilities

Since all children are differently-abled, it’s crucial to find an after-school program that will appeal to your child’s interests, take sensory preferences into account, and that will set them up for success.

Here are three after-school program ideas that kids with learning disabilities are bound to enjoy.

Visual Arts Programs

Often children with developmental disabilities are highly creative and artistically driven. If your child falls into this category, consider signing them up for a visual arts program. Activities include drawing, painting, sculpting, and multi-media art.

Theater & Musical Programs

If your child has an interest in acting or singing, signing them up for an acting camp that requires no audition is an excellent way to dip their toes into the acting world without having to dedicate themselves to production.

Instrumental Programs

Like artistically driven students, special needs students often gravitate towards playing instruments due to them being musically inclined. If you believe that your child would enjoy learning a new tool, consider signing them up for weekly lessons.

Choose The Deron School

Since 1967, The Deron School has offered a state-approved private school program and services tailored to your child’s needs. If you believe that your child would benefit from our wide array of resources and services, don’t hesitate to reach out to our leadership team with any admission inquiries.

The Deron School in Union is hosting two job fairs: January 15, 2025 (3pm-6pm) and January 20, 2025 (9am-1pm). Please click here for additional information.
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